Omniva Checkout offers for your buyers more than 15 payment methods across four countries today and we work to extend the set in future. Whether the full set is available for your Shop depends on your service package.
Developing the integration for your e-shop you face the challenge of presenting the set of methods to the user.
There are essentially two options:
- use selection dialog outside the shop – the Omniva Checkout Payment Gateway.
Let the shop direct user to our Payment Gateway for method selection and payment completion (hence aka ‘redirect’ mode). This is probably the most economic way to integrate the shop with Omniva Checkout.
- implement selection dialog in the shop
The shop should present available payment methods selection, allow user to chose among them and based on the users choice:
- redirect to respective bank-link channel (redirect to url provided by API)
- invoke our Debet card un Credit Card Dialog (create transaction over API, invoke our Checkout.js)
Implementing Payment Methods selection in shop
Here are few hints for you implementing the methods selection
Fetching the list of Payment Methods
The list of payment methods available for a Shop is not static. It may change when the service package is changed, or when new payment methods open up and are made available to our Merchants. Some methods may also be closed over time. We also provide logos for the payment channels, should their branding change over time.
Thus it’s reasonable not to hard-code the choices but rely on the data from MK API. We suggest that e-shop periodically fetches the list of payment methods and stores it locally. See more on GetConfig
Displaying Payment Methods for multiple countries
If you target your shop to customers from multiple countries it is reasonable to present user with the choice of his own country as a default. However, since it is sometimes difficult to adequately determine what is really “own” for the user we recommend leaving an option for the user to switch the country in the dialog.